Sunday, 3 October 2010

Children's Book Week

It's Children's Book Week next week ( 4th October-8th October) a perfect time for storytelling, book activities and just to cuddle up with a good book. 

To celebrate children's book week  tell me your favourite children's book from your childhood, your kid's favourite book or just any children's book worthy of mention. Doesn't have to be Barefoot! 
One name picked at random on 10th October 2010  will win the £10’s worth of Barefoot Books of your choice.

To start you off here's some of my favourite childhood books: 

Chronicles of Narnia series by CS Lewis
Tom's Midnight Garden by Phillipa Pearce
Meg and Mog by Jan Pienowski

and now: 
Big Red Bath by (the wonderful) Julia Jarman
Granny went to Market by Stella Blackstone  (Barefoot)

Over to you.......x


About Me

I am a passionate children's information professional ( librarian) who is presently taking a break from public libraries. I sell beautiful Barefoot Books online and in person